
[paper] Structure of the Sr-Zr isotopes near and at the magic N=50 shell from g-factor and lifetime measurements in8840Zr and 84,86,8838Sr

Structure of the Sr-Zr isotopes near and at the magic N=50 shell from g-factor and lifetime measurements in8840Zr and 84,86,8838Sr

G. Kumbartzki et al.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.044322

Background: The evolution of and interplay between single-particle and collective excitations in the 40 ⩽N⩽ 50 range for 38Sr and 40Zr isotopes have been studied.

Purpose: Measurement of the g factor of the 21+ and 41+ states in radioactive 88Zr while simultaneously remeasuring the g(21+) factors in the Sr isotopes and extention of the measurements to higher energy states in the Sr isotopes. Lifetimes of states in these nuclei are determined.

Methods: The transient field technique in inverse kinematics and line-shape analysis using the Doppler-shift attenuation method are applied. The 88Zr nuclei were produced by the transfer of an α particle from the 12C nuclei of the target to 84Sr nuclei in the beam. The excited states in the stable 84Sr isotopes were simultaneously populated via Coulomb excitation by 12C in the same target. Coulomb excitation measurements on 86,88Sr were carried out with the same apparatus.

Results: The resulting g factors and B(E2) values of these nuclei reveal similarities between the two chains of Zr and Sr isotopes. Large-scale shell-model calculations were performed within the p3/2, f5/2, p1/2, g9/2 orbital space for both protons and neutrons and yielded results in agreement with the experimental data.

Conclusions: In this paper the magnetic moments and lifetimes of several low-lying states in 88Zr and 84,86,88Sr have been measured and compared to large-scale shell-model calculations.