
[paper] Hyperfine field and hyperfine anomalies of copper impurities in iron

Hyperfine field and hyperfine anomalies of copper impurities in iron

V. V. Golovko et al.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.014323

A new value for the hyperfine magnetic field of copper impurities in iron is obtained by combining resonance frequencies from experiments involving β-NMR on oriented nuclei on 59Cu, 69Cu, and 71Cu with magnetic moment values from collinear laser spectroscopy measurements on these isotopes. The resulting value, i.e., Bhf(CuFe) = -21.794(10) T, is in agreement with the value adopted until now but is an order of magnitude more precise. It is consistent with predictions from ab initio calculations. Comparing the hyperfine field values obtained for the individual isotopes, the hyperfine anomalies in Fe were determined to be 59Δ69=0.15(9)% and 71Δ69=0.07(11)%.

[paper] Magnetic dipole moments of 57,58,59Cu

Magnetic dipole moments of 57,58,59Cu

T.E. Cocolios et al.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.014314

In-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of the isotopes 57,58,59,63,65Cu has been performed at the LISOL facility using the 244.164-nm optical transition from the atomic ground state of copper. A detailed discussion on the hyperfine structure of 63Cu is presented. The magnetic dipole moments of the isotopes 57,58,59,65Cu are extracted based on that of 63Cu. The new value μ=+0.479(13)μN is proposed for 58Cu, consistent with that of a πp3/2⊗νp3/2 ground-state configuration. Spin assignments for the radioactive isotopes 57,58,59Cu are confirmed. The isotope shifts between the different isotopes are also given and discussed.