Welcome to NUMOR, the Nuclear Moments and Charge Radii Database
A compilation of non-evaluated experimental data | Database cut-off date: 2019.03.31

 <  Gold (Z=79)  > 
182Au 183Au 184Au 185Au 186Au 187Au 188Au 189Au 190Au 191Au
192Au 193Au 194Au 195Au 196Au 197Au 198Au 199Au 200Au

Isotope Mass Excess [keV] Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Q [b] R [fm] Ref. Std Method NSR keyword doi Comment
197Au -31141 ± 0.7 0. stable 3/2+ +0.145746(9) AB/D 1967DA04 10.1007/BF01326186
+0.148158(8) [2H] NMR 1967NA13
+0.59(3) R 2006IT01 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.022510
+0.547(16) a R Mu-X , O 1974PO12 10.1016/0375-9474(74)90147-X
0.594(10) AB 1967BL16
5.4371(38) 2013AN02 10.1016/j.adt.2011.12.006
77. 1.91 ns 1/2+ +0.420(3) [197Au] ME 1968CO17 10.1103/PhysRev.171.343
279. 20.4 ps 5/2+ +0.53(5) TF 1986BA19 10.1103/PhysRevC.33.1785
+0.74(6) TF 1988ST09 10.1007/BF01293388
409. 7.8 s 11/2- (+)5.98(9) NMR/ON 1984HA12 10.1016/0375-9474(84)90325-7
6.4(4) NO/S 1983LI21 10.1007/BF02143939
+1.68(5) R MAPON 1996SE06 10.1016/0375-9474(96)00090-5
+1.4(2) [197Au] NO/S , ME 1983BE68
503. 1.8 ps 5/2+ +3.0(5) TF 1988ST09 10.1007/BF01293388
548. 4.6 ps 7/2+ +0.53(7) TF 1988ST16 10.1016/0375-9474(88)90242-4
+0.84(7) TF 1988ST09 10.1007/BF01293388
737. 1.1 ps 7/2+ +1.7(5) TF 1988ST16 10.1016/0375-9474(88)90242-4
855. 2.7 ps 9/2+ +1.5(5) TF 1988ST16 10.1016/0375-9474(88)90242-4
1231. 0.93 ps 11/2+ +2.0(10) TF 1988ST16 10.1016/0375-9474(88)90242-4

  [▶InPACS] Shapes and deformations

Plotting systematics is still in beta, use with caution.

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