Welcome to NUMOR, the Nuclear Moments and Charge Radii Database
A compilation of non-evaluated experimental data | Database cut-off date: 2019.03.31

 <  Mercury (Z=80)  > 
181Hg 182Hg 183Hg 184Hg 185Hg 186Hg 187Hg 188Hg 189Hg 190Hg
191Hg 192Hg 193Hg 194Hg 195Hg 196Hg 197Hg 198Hg 199Hg 200Hg
201Hg 202Hg 203Hg 204Hg 205Hg 206Hg

Isotope Mass Excess [keV] Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Q [b] R [fm] Ref. Std Method NSR keyword doi Comment
193Hg -31063 ± 16 0. 3.80 h 3/2- -0.6276(2) [199Hg] NMR/OP 1971MO24 10.1103/PhysRevC.4.620
-0.7(3) R [201Hg] 2013STZZ
-0.7(4) st [201Hg] 1986UL02 10.1007/BF01294605
5.4238(35) 2013AN02 10.1016/j.adt.2011.12.006
141. 11.8 h 13/2+ -1.058430(3) [199Hg] NMR/OP 1973RE04 10.1103/PhysRevC.7.2065
+0.92(2) R [201Hg] 2013STZZ
+0.92(10) st [201Hg] 1986UL02 10.1007/BF01294605
band ABC g(avge) = 0.188(14) TF 1998WE23 10.1007/BF03185336
band ABCDF + ABF g(avge) = 0.20(2) TF 1998WE23 10.1007/BF03185336
band ABCDE + ABE g(avge) = 0.175(14) TF 1998WE23 10.1007/BF03185336

  [▶InPACS] Shapes and deformations

Plotting systematics is still in beta, use with caution.

Data points here: [ CSV ]

Data points here: [ CSV ]

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