Welcome to NUMOR, the Nuclear Moments and Charge Radii Database
A compilation of non-evaluated experimental data | Database cut-off date: 2019.03.31

 <  Gadolinium (Z=64)  > 
144Gd 145Gd 146Gd 147Gd 148Gd 149Gd 150Gd 151Gd 152Gd 153Gd
154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd 158Gd 159Gd 160Gd

Isotope Mass Excess [keV] Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Q [b] R [fm] Ref. Std Method NSR keyword doi Comment
158Gd -70688.9 ± 1.6 0. stable 0+ 5.1569(43) 2013AN02 10.1016/j.adt.2011.12.006
80. 2.52 ns 2+ +0.78(6) [158Gd 261] TF 1992BR07 10.1103/PhysRevC.45.1549
+0.762(8) ME , R 1988AL33 10.1007/BF01355597
+0.9(2) [158Gd 261] TF 1991ST01 10.1007/BF01284786
+0.8(2) [156Gd 89.] TF 1991ST01 10.1007/BF01284786
-2.01(4) a R Mu-X 1983LA08 10.1103/PhysRevC.27.1772
-1.96(4) [157Gd] ME 1974AR23 10.1016/0375-9474(74)90464-3
261. 148 ps 4+ +1.60(12) [158Gd 261] TF 1992BR07 10.1103/PhysRevC.45.1549
+1.4(2) [156Gd 89.] TF 1990BA39 10.1007/BF02401205
+1.55(12) [156Gd 89.] TF 1991ST01 10.1007/BF01284786
+1.64(6) IPAC 1988AL33 10.1007/BF01355597
539. 16 ps 6+ +2.5(2) [158Gd 261] TF 1992BR07 10.1103/PhysRevC.45.1549
2.4(3) [158Gd 261] TF 1991ST01 10.1007/BF01284786
2.3(3) [156Gd 89.] TF 1991ST01 10.1007/BF01284786
904. 5.1 8+ 3.4(4) [158Gd 261] TF 1992BR07 10.1103/PhysRevC.45.1549
gs band <10+ g(10+)/g(2+) =0.83(11) TF 1983HA24 10.1016/0375-9474(83)90466-9
α x 10^3 = -1.7(11)

  [▶InPACS] Shapes and deformations

Plotting systematics is still in beta, use with caution.

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